1 Praise awaits you, God of heaven,
in your house as we prepare
acts of worship and obedience
due to you, who hear our prayer.
When our failures overwhelmed us
you atoned for all our sin,
when you brought us to your dwelling
we were thrilled to enter in.
2 All your gifts reflect your kindness,
justice shines in all you do.
God our Saviour, our provider,
hope is always found in you.
Mountains form at your direction,
storms fall silent at your voice -
and, astonished by your wonders,
east and west alike rejoice.
3 You supply life-giving water
and, as harvest-time draws near,
where the soil before was sterile
your abundance crowns the year.
Now the shouts of jubilation
echo down from mountain-height,
while the corn-filled valleys answer
with a song of sheer delight!