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We remember those who dying

Donald Wetherick

1 We remember those who dying were true to duty???s call,
whose lives were lost for others, who giving gave their all.
We bless bereaved and wounded, whose minds and bodies bear
the battle???s cost, the hard tears of trauma, grief and care;
and honour those who serve us, whose courage shall condemn
each threat to peace or justice; we will remember them.
2 We remember Jesus dying, God???s greater peace to bring,
who raised by God now raises his followers to sing.
We bless his touch of healing, enough for all our loss,
who bore with love???s obedience the anguish of the cross;
and honour Christ, whose glory earth???s darkness shall not dim:
in faith and hope* and service, we will remember him.
Metre: 14 13 13 13 13 13
words © Donald Wetherick / Jubilate
administered by Jubilate Hymns Ltd