1 Wind of God, dynamic Spirit,
breathe upon our hearts today;
that we may your power inherit
hear us, Spirit, as we pray:
fill the vacuum that enslaves us
emptiness of heart and soul;
and, through Jesus Christ who saves us,
give us life and make us whole.
2 Voice of God, prophetic Spirit,
speak to every heart today
to encourage or prohibit
urging action or delay:
clear the vagueness which impedes us
come, enlighten mind and soul;
and, through Jesus Christ who leads us,
teach the truth that makes us whole.
3 Fire of God, volcanic Spirit,
burn within our hearts today;
cleanse our sin may we exhibit
holiness in every way:
purge the squalidness that shames us,
soils the body, taints the soul;
and through Jesus Christ who claims us,
purify us, make us whole.