The Irish Presbyterian Hymnbook - Words & Music Ed.
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Church Hymnary 4th Edition - Words Ed.
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Church Hymnary 4th Edition - Words & Music Ed.
Hymns Ancient and Modern Ltd
Ancient & Modern - Words Ed.
Hymns Ancient and Modern Ltd
Ancient & Modern - Words & Music Ed.
Hymns Ancient and Modern Ltd
Sing Praise - Words & Music Ed.
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The Worshiping Church
Praise Music Book JG
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Music for Common Worship I - Music for Sunday Services
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Yes of the Heart, The - Rusty Edwards Hymn Collection
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Plus 16 more
1 God, we praise you! God, we bless you!
God, we name you sovereign Lord!
Mighty King whom angels worship,
Father, by your church adored:
all creation shows your glory,
heaven and earth draw near your throne
singing 'Holy, holy, holy,
Lord of hosts, and God alone!'
2 True apostles, faithful prophets,
saints who set their world ablaze,
martyrs, once unknown, unheeded,
join one growing song of praise,
while your church on earth confesses
one majestic Trinity:
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
God, our hope eternally.
3 Jesus Christ, the King of glory,
everlasting Son of God,
humble was your virgin mother,
hard the lonely path you trod:
by your cross is sin defeated,
hell confronted face to face,
heaven opened to believers,
sinners justified by grace.
4 Christ, at God's right hand victorious,
you will judge the world you made;
Lord, in mercy help your servants
for whose freedom you have paid:
raise us up from dust to glory,
guard us from all sin today;
King enthroned above all praises,
save your people, God, we pray.