1 Harvest home! We sing God???s praises:
wondrous Lord of time and space!
He whose care and love amazes
meets us here today in grace.
God provides for all the nations
now as through all years before.
We, like former generations,
praise his holy name once more.
2 Harvest home! Church decorated:
fruits of autumn, sown in spring.
Bounty pours from gifts donated,
sharing loaves that children bring.
May we give, as we are able,
daily bread for all in need,
food for every empty table,
showing grace and spurning greed.
3 Harvest gifts ??? love???s fruit of labour:
needs supplied, our thanks expressed.
Cheerful givers help their neighbour;
grace abounds as all are blessed.
Joined with those who went before us
and the faithful still to come,
praise our gracious Lord in chorus
till the final harvest home.